Conference to help students understand working with gifted children

Sessions for parents, teachers and school administrators will offer education options and what to expect at schools.

Students who plan on working with gifted children will receive a preview of what to expect at a conference Oct. 12.

The 8th-annual Share-Indiana on Parenting and Teaching Gifted Children Conference features sessions for parents, teachers and school administrators. They can learn about socially and emotionally nurturing gifted children, education options and what to expect from schools.

The conference will be held at Ball State's Alumni Center. It begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 2:50 p.m.

The program is designed to give parents and teachers the latest developments in educating gifted children and providing practical advice, said Cheryll Adams, the director of Ball State's Center for Gifted Studies and Talent Development.

"This conference not only addresses the needs of gifted children but also understands their development and emotions," Adams said.

This seminar will also be very useful to Ball State students majoring in psychology and education, Adams said. Education majors can learn about different methods of instructions to target gifted children, she said, and psychology majors can learn about individual differences in the achievements of gifted children.

Dan Lapsley, the chairman of the education psychology department, said he feels that students will benefit from the conference.

"It helps [students] understand the functions under which teaching levels are useful," Lapsley said.

The key speaker is Francoys Gagne, a professor of psychology at the University of Quebec in Montreal. Adams said his speech will differentiate between gifted children's abilities and their environments.

Adams said she believes "his teaching technology will help us see that gifted and talented are not synonymous."

The event costs $45 for members of the Indiana Association for the Gifted and $60 for non-members. There is no charge for students, faculty and staff. For more information on the conference, call 1-800-842-4251. 7723+â-Ç+â-ÿ+âc*Fgifted student conferenceDNEditorial772SORTn+â-ä2AUDT



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