At Issue: Senators fail to live up to responsibilities

Tolu Olowomeye, the president of Student Government Association, showed her frustration with the Student Senate Wednesday, chastising them for their lack of action this term.

She is more than justified in doing so.

During SGA's weekly meeting, Olowomeye pointed out that no legislation had been passed by the senate so far this year, and criticized the senate for failing to attend their own public forum on the issue that seems to be the most prominent on campus -- parking.

Do the senators not care?

The question arises whether or not SGA has power over student affairs. If they do, do they use it? Only on rare occasions does legislation coming from SGA actually become reality. Part of it is because of apathy that comes not from students necessarily, but from student senators.

The roles the student senators have come to fill are not ones that should be taken lightly. Each senator has a responsibility. Each one represents a group of students. Those students expect the senators to stand up for them and make sure the university doesn't trample over them while they're busy attending classes.

Olowomeye is right. Wednesday, students had no representation, save for SGA's executive board. Wednesday, they were not protected.

Wednesday, the Student Senate failed.--2)+â-ä-»??


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