Some alumni donate money; others donate stone and paint.
The newest exhibit in the Art Gallery features work from alumni. The exhibit opened Sept. 20 and will run until Oct. 20.
Jane Wojcik, an assistant professor who headed the exhibit, said she wanted to plan the showing during Homecoming, which will occur Oct. 19.
"There will be alumni there to see it then," Wojcik said. "And we also hope that the exhibit will attract even more alumni."
After sending out letters to 2,000 alumni, they, in return, sent 400 pieces. These were narrowed down to 57 by Richard Alasco, a 1968 alumnus. The pieces came from as far away as New York, California and Alaska and were mainly sent in by professional artists and teachers.
"We are definitely pleased. I think it is a successful show," Wojcik said. "Numerous alumni returned for the opening show."
The pieces range from sculptures, photography, prints and paintings. Sarojini Johnson, associate chairwoman of the department of art, also expressed her hope to have another alumni show, but she said she didn't know when.
"We have a wide variety of works, and we wish we could have shown more, but were restricted because of space," Johnson said.
Some art majors said they find the exhibit can be encouraging.
"I didn't know if I could ever pursue a job in art. It's good to see people are doing it, even if it's not their main job, and that they're getting recognized for doing it," said Jackie Hansen, a sophomore art major.
The exhibit opened with a special reception Sept. 20. Another reception, the College of Fine Arts Alumni Coffee Hour, is planned from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Oct. 19. The gathering will take place outside of the gallery in the Atrium in the Art and Journalism Building.
Though the event is geared towards alumni, students are welcome.
"People should come and see it. It's a wonderful space," Johnson said.
The gallery has also created the "Friends of the Gallery," a program that asks alumni to donate money or volunteer their time. For more information, call>--¼)>-¦GArt gallery 10/3/02DNEditorial--¼S+âArt gallery 10/3/02DNEditorialbb>+â-¼86>AUDT