The President's Perspective: SGA varies tasks; hot dog promotion not primary issue

This week I would like to refute the circulated notion that Student Government is a hot dog dispensing organization. Even though we gladly distributed over 260 hot dogs to students who tailgated at Saturday's football opener, this was simply a programming initiative, not a primary issue.

Today, I will play the role of reporter to inform you of some issues underway in a few Senate committees, which are charged to research and legislate, not program.

Academic Affairs is examining the role of academic advisors on campus, with the intent to increase efficiency and accountability. Many students, especially upperclassmen, have little or no contact with their advisors, which can cause them to take classes that are unnecessary and out of sequence.

These ill-advised students normally spend more money on extra semesters that could have been avoided. Through surveying, Academic Affairs will gauge what students expect from their advisors in order to better format legislation.

Community Affairs is working to implement a recycling program on Riverside Avenue, where many of our IFC organizations are located. Currently, there are no provisions to collect recyclable items, even though recycling is offered in the residence halls and in the Muncie community.

The inclusion of recycling on Riverside could possibly reduce trash overflows in these areas. Senators are in contact with Muncie officials and hope to have all the details finalized by November.

Diversity and Multicultural Affairs is investigating the rationale behind the low operational budget of the Multicultural Center. Senators have been in contact with the director, Dr. Virgil, to assuage this concern which currently limits the reach and ability of the center via programming.

This committee is also researching the possibility of providing suites within residence halls to fraternities within the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) who currently do not have sufficient membership to support a fraternity house but still have a need for office and gathering space to conduct chapter business.

Student Safety will be polling students this week to gather feedback on problematic safety areas on campus. Surveys will evaluate what students consider to be a safety priority to direct the committee's future actions.

Student Services is further researching the logistics of the MITS proposal with the BSU Department of Transportation, which would give MITS the authority to manage and regulate the campus shuttle bus services.

Senators are also reviewing the opportunity for students to use credit and debit cards in the Bursar's office, while evaluating the benefits and problems this may create. The committee has secured the names of companies which offer the service to other universities within the state and are in contact with campus administrators.

Today in Senate, Freshman Senators will be officially inaugurated and President Pro-Tempore, Nick Zuniga, will conduct the Senate Orientation. All students are welcome to attend and learn more about senatorial duties and responsibilities.

I hope I have given you more insight on what's occurring in Student Senate. If you ever have a question on what's going on, please call the SGA office (285-8631) or pick up the minutes from our last body meeting. We are a public administration that aims to keep our doors open and our information circulated.

Write to Tolu at


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