Man passes out on campus

Computer assistants find drunken student in Robert Bell lab.

University police found a Ball State student unconscious in the Robert Bell Building computer lab, room 134, at 8:44 a.m. Friday morning, according to police reports.

When police woke Ryan A. Culbreth, 21, 224 S. College Ave., his breath had "a strong alcoholic beverage odor on it," reports said. Officers gave Culbreth a portable breath test, which indicated Culbreth had a 0.24 blood-alcohol content.

Police escorted Culbreth to his home and cited him for public intoxication.

"The officer just talked to me for awhile and then gave me a ticket," Culbreth said. "I went inside and went back to sleep."

A black bag Culbreth had with him at the scene had two cold 12 oz. cans of Keystone beer, police reports said. Culbreth told the Daily News he did not remember having the cans of beer with him.

"I was pretty far gone at the time," Culbreth said.

When officers arrived at the scene, they saw Culbreth slumped over a desk in front of a computer, reports said. After several attempts to revive him, Culbreth eventually woke up.

Peggy Hunter, an adaptive computer technology specialist, said a lab assistant saw Culbreth slumped over and tried to wake him up.

"She thought maybe he was sick," Hunter said.

When the lab assistant could not wake Culbreth, she told Hunter of the situation. After a failed attempt to wake Culbreth, Hunter said she called police.

Culbreth said he had gone to bars and parties with friends the night before but was not aware how he arrived at the lab.

"I don't remember going to the computer lab," Culbreth said. "We had been out all night."


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