The Temporal Front: Conservative views often skewed by media

There seems to be a real problem in America today. Unfortunately, the once proud tradition of questioning established ideas has faded, only to be replaced by dependence. I speak specifically of the unfortunate concept of trust in the media.

Do not misunderstand the opinion being presented here. The media in this country serves an important purpose: to inform and educate about current items of interest. Unfortunately, their opinions often get in the way.

There has been much written and said in the last 18 months about the left slant of the media. It has been talked about and discussed in all media outlets, but the fact still remains: the news you receive is not always the truth.

People in this country have forgotten how to think things out for themselves. Rather than research the news reported to make sure that it is at least close to the truth, people just accept it.

The media is a leftist organization with ties to the Democratic Party. Many of its reporters, editors, and publishers believe in socialism as the future for America. Unfortunately, very few of these people are able to set aside their personal agendas and create news that is unbiased.

A typical example can be seen with Time magazine. Months ago they reported that President Bush was in the thick of things with Enron. They made a number of outrageous claims, and tried to make The President look bad. They completely overlooked ties to the Clinton administration that included Ken Lay in the Lincoln bedroom. They failed at their job and no one called them on it.

Recently, an edition of Time finally admitted that ties to Clinton, his Energy Secretary, and his Secretary of State were far more suspicious than anything Bush had ever done. No headline. No bold print. It was simply a small blurb that took less than half a page.

I am a biased writer. My opinions are clearly stated in each piece that I write. Fortunately for me; I am not a reporter, or a journalist of any kind. I am a person with an opinion and a conduit for that opinion. My work will not leave the opinion page, and that's the way it should be.

My one goal with this column is to educate. With education, I hope that I can protect, encourage, and represent conservatism on this campus. A vast majority of this campus identifies more closely with what I write here than any of my fellow columnists; it is for conservatives that I write.

To foster this goal, a new ally has been established. A Web site is under construction at that will house this column, online exclusives, conservative content, and resources. I hope that conservatives will use it to educate themselves and their peers.

The idea here is to inspire thought. Use the resources available to you to question what you hear. Don't necessarily take my word for it. Read up on the topic and present an informed argument. On the other hand don't necessarily believe everything you read as a representation of the truth.

Write to Russell at


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