Ball State University is offering students deferred until spring the alternative of attending Vincennes and then accepting all transfer credits as long as students maintain a "C" average.
The university's Connect Program with Vincennes allows students the university could not accommodate for fall to take as few as three credit hours and gain automatic entry into Ball State next spring, as long as they maintain a "C" average, said Douglas F. McConkey, vice president for student affairs and enrollment management.
"Another factor that might make Vincennes University attractive to students is that it offers a residential experience," McConkey said. "We realize that students want to get involved in life on campus and that they can do that at Vincennes before becoming a part of our campus community."
Ball State offers a similar program for freshman through Ivy Tech State College.
Ball State closed fall freshman enrollment for the first time in 10 years to ensure there would be enough room in residence halls and classes. McConkey said he expects the freshman class to have between 3,925 and 3,980 students, which would be the largest freshman class since 1997.
McConkey said he credits the increase in incoming freshmen to advertising and increased acceptance standards.
"You would think that raising acceptance standards would decrease the number of students," McConkey said, "but the opposite is true. Students are attracted to the higher standards."
McConkey said most entrance standards are based on high school performance and participation in college prep classes.
"Students not accepted can demonstrate their ability to work in a college environment by attending a two-year College such as Vincennes or Ivy Tech," McConkey said. "If students maintain a "C" average for a year they gain automatic acceptance to Ball State."
The university continues to accept applications from fall transfer students.