President's Prospective: SGA wants your thoughts on parental notification

The nature of underage drinking at Ball State University will change if the Parental Notification Policy is adopted, this summer.

Last semester, the Parental Notification Task Group, chaired by Brian Farber of Student Affairs, convened to address the increased concerns about " the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs" by Ball State students.

According to the existing policy proposal, "the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), permits colleges and universities to inform parents/guardians of students under 21 years of age when their student has been found in violation of university alcohol and drug policies."

This proposal also mentioned the growing incorporation of such policies by our peer institutions in the Mid-American Conference. Like these institutions, Ball State believes that the parental notification policy supports the university's mission "for developing 'civic and professional leadership' in our students and our values of 'integrity and social responsibility'".

The basic core of the policy states that, parents/guardians of students under 21 years old will be notified when a student is found responsible for 1) a violation of the drug policy, 2) a second violation of the alcohol policy, and 3) on the first violation of the alcohol policy when one or more of the following occurs: a disregard for the student's safety as well as the safety of others, a need for medical attention, property damage, motor vehicle operation, etc.

Since Spring Break, members of the task force have visited various student organizations to gauge student sentiment. Last Wednesday, Brian Farber explained the intricacies of the parental notification proposal to Student Senate. After serious discussion, many concerns were expressed ranging from the bias the proposal presented to on-campus students to the significance of parental notification to independent students.

To foster more discussion on the parental notification policy, the Student Government Association will host a forum Tuesday April 23 at 4 p.m. in the Art and Journalism Building, Room 175, to give all students the opportunity to voice their concerns to invited student leaders, members of the task force and university administrators. Please come and exercise your right to affect a very significant campus policy before it ultimately affects you. SGA is doing its part; now its your turn to do yours.

Write to Tolu at


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