Letter to the editor: Road repair, free refills, BSU pride needed on campus

Dear editor:

As a graduating senior, I have come to several realizations during my time here at BSU. First, this is a pretty decent school. Honestly, for the money I spent, I got a great education from good faculty. I know others feel the same way, but just don't want to admit it. It wouldn't be "cool." However, I wanted to offer the University and its undergrads a few suggestions for the future. Here goes...

First, get that huge dip in the road on Riverside by North Quad fixed. Every time it rains that hole turns into the sixth Great Lake. And not a rainy day goes by that I don't see some poor schmo get blasted with water by a sadistic motorist. Fill it in, put a drain there, whatever. Second, what's with no free refills at any BSU dining facility? I have heard the lame excuse before of "it's not cost effective" from some suit trying to explain the situation. That's not going to cut it. Everywhere else in the entire world (except Wendy's, strangely enough) offers free refills. Here's a solution. Raise the price on drinks 10 cents, then offer free refills! You make up the cost by the price increase, and everyone is happy.

Finally, a question for the remaining students. What's with the "Harry's Chocolate Shop" shirts I see around campus? Is this Purdue? Ummm ... no. That goes for anyone else wearing Purdue or IU gear on campus. Have a little school pride! Grad students are exempt from this stipulation, however. They can wear their alma mater's shirts around freely. But the rest of you, ditch the gear from other schools. Don't go there. Anyway, that's it. Just three small things I (and others I know) would like to see changed. Oh yeah, one more thing. The Alumni Association apparently thinks I have already graduated, because they are sending me info on donations. What do they want me to send them? Ramen Noodles?

Matt Holland


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