Letter to the editor: Cartoon illustrates Palestinians as bloodthirsty killers

Dear editor:

I'm writing to express my disappointment at the editorial cartoon in the April 19th edition of the Daily News. This Cartoon displayed Chairmen Arafat surrounded by "Palestinian" toddlers holding grenades, missiles, and ammunition. It reinforces the fallacy of the Palestinians and their leader as bloodthirsty killers. The fact is this cartoon ignores the sanctity of the lives being lost in Gaza's concentration camps.

Chairman Arafat is not the one encouraging murder and the Palestinian children are most definitely not murderers. The atrocities at the Jenin camp, the murder of over 500 Palestinians, including children, in their homes, at the hands of Israeli soldiers this past week goes to show who the criminals truly are.

Yasser Arafat has repeatedly denounced the killing of innocent civilians. How can he be portrayed as training toddlers to kill? Ariel Sharon should be the one under harsh criticism for the attempted massacre of an entire ethnic group. The printing of such insensitive and one-sided cartoons only fosters hatred and ignorance for a people and an issue of which many readers may not know the truth. For more information please www.JewAgainstTheOccupation.org.

Huma Naz Ansari

Burris senior


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