Editorial: Parking Services adopts helpful 'boot' policy

Violators will have eight hours to pay fines to unlock boot.

Parking Services has given its towing policy the boot. By this we mean the annoying kind of boot that, once applied, will not allow a car to go anywhere (Homer Simpson's car notwithstanding).

The Department of Public Safety has purchased 24 "boots" to immobilize the cars of problem parkers (those who have accumulated any combination of five tickets and fines totaling $50). Dean of Students Randy Hyman said the boot will eliminate the fees normally imposed by Nye's Wrecker Service, a favorite towing company among campus drivers.

"We believe this is a much more considerate policy for people who would normally have to retrieve their cars from Nye's," Hyman said.

Jeff Nye, owner of Nye's Wrecker Service, 2911 E. Jackson St., said he was unsure how the new policy will affect his business. Our guess would be that Nye will see a drastic reduction in clients.

The driver in violation would have eight hours to pay the fines along with a $20 fee to unlock the boot.

"Typically people who have left a car on campus would go back to their vehicles well within an eight-hour span," Hyman said.

On a campus where parking is a general inconvenience, these considerations are good ones. Students in violation of parking regulations may take Parking Services more seriously now, instead of waiting for the dramatic inconvenience of having to go all the way out to Nye's to retrieve their vehicles.

Often, when a vehicle is towed to Nye's, the real problem is not paying the fines, but getting the vehicle back. This policy puts more emphasis on the authority of Parking Services on campus and will expedite the payment of parking fines.


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