Collegiate Cannes

Frog Baby Film Festival showcases films from various universities.

The Sundance may be famous for its independent works and the Cannes for its European eloquence. But this Saturday's Frog Baby film festival, sponsored by Cardinal Film Works has something neither can lay claim to - a fresh crop of college film projects, including a healthy dose from Ball State.

Brien Barr and Dustin Fry, co-managing directors for the festival, said they have a larger number of Ball State-originated projects than in years past.

"The majority this year are from Ball State," Barr said.

In previous years, entries have come from as far away as Florida State University, he said, but this year there were fewer submissions received from outside institutions.

Approximately 15 films will be shown from 4 to 6 p.m., ranging in length from 54 minutes to less than 10. The entries are divided into four categories: narrative, which includes the familiar comedy and drama genres; experimental animation, which encompasses a wide array of forms; documentary; and the "Best of BSU," which, logically, will feature the best works submitted from Ball State.

Last year films from Florida State took honors in the narrative and documentary categories. Senior Noah Zondor won the Best of BSU award for his experimental film on chaos theory, "Irrelevance."

The judging panel will consist of film-savvy Ball State professors and students. Award winners from each category will receive plaques as commendation for their work.

According to Fry, some submissions were done as class projects in telecommunications classes, and others were produced by students during their own time.

"It's just another outlet where you can do something creative," Fry said.

Admission for the event, which takes place at Student Center Cardinal Hall, is free.

Barr encourages film fans of all types to experience the festival.

"It's just a fun time," he said. "It's basically two hours of solid entertainment."


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