Campus DJs entertain with eclectic mix of song, talk

Friday radio program named show of the month by station manager.

On a lazy Friday afternoon many don't think to tune in to the campus radio show, but they are missing out on the WCRD show of the month. Friday afternoons, Freshman Alyssa Rossomme, and Sophomores Kari Morris and Louise Strano bombard the radio waves playing a diverse range of music.

"It was totally an accident," sophomore Louise Strano said. "One of the CD players was skipping so we played this song, 'Shaniqua Don't Live Here No More,' by Little T and One Track Mike, and we were so embarrassed. But the management really liked it and began dancing to the song. Then they made us play it again."

This accident earned their time slot the station manager's "show of the month" award.

"I think that's a good thing about our show," said Rossomme. "We play a lot of different types of music."

Morris urges people to listen and call in. She said they will play any music.

Rossomme said they play songs that normal college kids would listen to, mostly alternative music.

Strano adds that they are open to anything.

"We introduce each other to a lot of different types of music," Morris said.

Freshman, Alyssa Rossomme said that she is looking to go into TV and news. She is already involved in New Center 43 and Connections. She said that she does this just for fun.

Telecommunications major, Kari Morris, has an emphasis on production and would like to go into radio.

Louise Strano, a TCOM major with an emphasis on production also is working towards a Public Relations minor. Strano is looking forward to working on a film set, perhaps as a production assistant. She said that while she still wants to stay in an aspect of entertainment, she's keeping her options open.

Morris first got involved with the radio show her freshman year and is currently working on her fourth semester with the program.

"Louise and I were doing a show last semester, then she got real busy with field hockey and couldn't work at the time we had our show, so I asked Alyssa to fill in for a semester and that's how it is," said Morris.

Rossomme said that she jumped at the opportunity to get involved with the radio station.

"It's a great way to get hands on experience," said Rossomme.

All agreed that they have a lot of fun with the show.

"It's good practice," said Strano. "There's not a lot of pressure and we do what we want to do, we just go with the flow."

Although all three enjoy doing the show, they fear no one listens. Morris said that last semester they had a different time slot, and a Papa John's Pizza delivery guy used to called in to talk to them.

They did say that knowing not many people listen to their show makes it more relaxing, and they are able to have more fun and be themselves.

"We mess up and make fun of ourselves on the air," said Rossomme.

Unfortunately, Rossomme, being the new freshman, normally gets the fault.

"If we mess up, then we blame it on Alyssa," said Morris as all three began laughing.
