More outstanding fines were resolved in the first day of booting than would have been paid during an entire week under the previous towing policy, said Gene Burton, acting director of the Department of Public Safety.
Burton said 27 vehicles were booted on Monday. Three had to be towed after drivers failed to contact the department within eight hours to have the boots removed.
"That's 24 people who saved the aggravation of having their cars towed," Burton said.
Burton also said the boot has made life easier on police officers as well.
"This frees up officers to take care of their duties," Burton said.
Previously officers had to wait with the vehicle until it was towed. Burton said towing was very time-consuming and that not as many cars could be towed during a day as are currently being booted.
Burton said two cars were booted inadvertently. The drivers had paid their fines, but their names had not yet been removed from the towing list. The boots were removed free of charge. Burton said that under the previous policy, such a mistake would have resulted in a towed vehicle.
The department collected $4,975 in fines on Monday. Burton said some violators paid their fines without being booted in order to have their names removed from the booting list.
Twenty-nine cars were booted on Tuesday with two being towed, according to police reports.
On Wednesday three boots were damaged by drivers attempting to remove the boots. One driver was successful in removing the boot on his vehicle.
Burton said he was unsure how the driver removed the boot. He also said he did not know exactly how the other boots had been damaged.
The driver who removed the boot was cited for the damage along with another driver who unsuccessfully attempted removal, Burton said. The third incident is under investigation.
Burton said the department is taking the issue of illegal boot removal seriously.
"If you're caught damaging the boot, you are going to be cited for it," Burton said.