Letter to the editor: Some of Rucker's comments unheard for long time

Dear Editor,

I too read Alan Rucker's column on Feb. 26, and I must admit that as a member of the greek community, I tend to support Rucker's meaning.

While a little over the top, and sometimes a little off the cuff, people are missing his message.

I have heard the greek community get abused, slandered and destroyed by those who choose not to join. In talking with Rucker, he meant his remarks at those who bash the greeks with widespread and unfounded hate and rumors.

Do I agree with everything he said? No. But there are parts of his column that have been unsaid for quite some time. I am glad the spotlight was turned around on those who choose to degrade the greek system. They are now in the hot seat, and they don't like how it feels.

As an opinion columnist, Rucker has the right and forum to express his ideas and issues. In this case, like many other times, he was right on the money. As greeks, we should support him and applaud him for his courage and dedication to our community.

Ryan Valle




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