Letter: Logic should come before emotions in criminal profiling

Dear editor:

The flawed logic of Moses Warren is rampant. Where do I begin?

The lack of legislation for the "profiling" of white prior-service males is not flawed. It makes perfect sense.

Tim McVeigh was one person, operating by himself, without the support of a global terror network or state sponsorship.

The terrorists who attacked the United States on Sept. 11 were exactly what McVeigh was not.

There were 19 of them, and more as the investigation grows. They were members of a known global terror network, Al Qaida. They were and are supported by several nations, such as Iraq and Iran.

Finally, they all were of the same description or profile: male, mid-20s to early 30s in age and of Middle Eastern descent. That is what is known as a profile or suspect description.

Now, imagine it is the '50s or '60s and you live in Alabama. A church known for its pro-civil rights stance is burned to the ground.

Where would you begin your search, Moses? In the black neighborhoods or at the local Klan meeting house?

Now imagine it's 2002 and you are boarding a plane. There is a small black child standing in line for her flight with her parents. Behind them is a group of young, Middle Eastern men. You are the father, Moses, and the child is yours. On whom would you want to have the scrutiny placed?

My point: Use your logic, not your emotions.

Matthew Botkin
