Letter: Columnist's views disgusting to the human race

Dear editor:

If Russell Greim's definition of an American is correct, then I wish to forfeit my citizenship.

First of all, this "war" is not rooted in justice and truth. Besides the fact that truth is relative, this "war" is to clean up the messy Middle East and annihilate all people who denounce American international hegemony.

Greim then goes on a Falwell-esque tirade blaming liberal Democrats for Sept. 11. The fault is on America - all of its citizens. We refuse to speak up when leaders, Republican or Democratic, enter countries they should not enter, forcing their agendas at the point of their rifles.

We are not protecting "our way of life with definitive action." We are perpetuating aggression and continuing the cycle of hate for Americans. Our silence only further condones these actions.

I am not shirking from responsibility. I am accepting responsibility because I realize for every life taken here and abroad the blood is on my hands. I want peace. I certainly do not think those who died in the World Trade Center "deserved to perish," as Greim suggested.

I also do not think the 3,500 innocent Afghan people needed to die either, as well as the not-so-innocent. In actuality, no one is innocent.

Greim is shallow, as his article proves, not those who crave peace. In Bloomington, peace-starved students have been camping in the lawn of Indiana University's Student Union since Sept. 11. And the reason "we all just can't get along" is because we do not share our prosperity. We force our democracy, and assume all nations want to be little Americas.

Besides being six months late, Greim's article is disgusting to the human race. I do not care what the National Rifle Association told him, but killing people is wrong. As an American, I cannot stand up for the slaughter of the human race.

Joy Grow


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