Column: Boxing matches that should be signed

Well it isn't Tyson vs. Lewis, but a fight is a fight. "The Long Island Lolita" Amy Fisher will fight Tonya "The Ice Queen" Harding on March 13 during a one-hour special on, big surprise, FOX.

While I think I would rather wear an "I Love 'NSync" shirt to a Marilyn Manson concert than watch the Harding/Fisher bout, it did make me think of some boxing matches I would like to see happen.

Bob Knight vs. Gene Keady

This is one I've been waiting to see for a long time now. The Indiana and Purdue men's basketball rivalry is one of the best in college sports, and for about 20 years, these two coaches fueled that rivalry. Both Knight and Keady have been very successful leading their teams into battle, but how would they do in the ring? Keady, who briefly played football for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1958, is undoubtedly tough. Knight, however, is unforgiving. He actually shot a hunting partner once. That's harsh. Plus, with all his hitting of players and Puerto Rican police during the last couple of decades, Knight has probably had more practice than Keady.

Winner: Knight.

Happy Gilmore from "Happy Gilmore" vs. Bobby Boucher from "The Waterboy"

This showdown between Adam Sandler characters is tough to call. They are so similar. Both were newcomers to their respective sports who possess amazing hidden talents and became cult heroes on their way to winning championships. To pick a winner, we have to look at their previous fight records. Boucher has been unstoppable ever since he has learned to channel his rage. On the other hand, Gilmore has that nagging loss to Bob Barker on his resume.

Winner: Boucher.

Dennis Miller vs. John Madden

Madden just took Miller's job in the Monday Night Football booth, so there is probably some bad blood flowing in Miller's veins right now. In a battle of wits, this would be no contest. Miller would pummel Madden with jabs of sarcasm and uppercuts of obscure references. But, this is a boxing match, folks. Even though Madden is a good deal older than Miller, he is still a big man. Also, Madden was a fine football player back in his day.

Winner: Madden.

Charlie Cardinal vs. The Famous San Diego Chicken

Who wouldn't love to see our beloved college mascot Charlie fight with probably the best-known mascot of all time? The Chicken has more experience than Charlie, but I think he is past his prime. He has really let himself go during the past couple of years. Charlie is a lean, mean, crowd-exciting machine. Did you see Charlie during Ball State football games this year? No other school's mascot could take him in a fight.

Winner: Charlie.

I must make it clear that these are just ideas. The likelihood of any of these happening is slim to none, and slim just left town.

It would, however, be sort of cool if they did happen, wouldn't it?


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