Team Tolu was fined $30 Feb. 22 for advertising in violation of the elections code.
The poster in violation was hung on the side of the Multicultural Center the day after nominations, the slate said. The advertisement was a twin bedsheet reading, "Vote Team Tolu."
According to Josh Wilson, elections board chairman, the elections code states "posters are not allowed on trees, campus buildings, sidewalks, pathways, utility poles, parking meters, street signs and posts."
Michael Metcalf, Team Tolu promotions coordinator and director of communications for Student Government Association, said the slate was presented with a letter describing the violation.
Posters seen in residence halls are allowed only at the discretion of each hall's director, Wilson said.
"The election code states that no posters are allowed on university buildings," Metcalf said. "The sheet hung was a banner, not a poster."
The elections board ruled that the advertisement was a poster and found the slate in violation.
"The definition of a poster does not mean it has to be on paper," Wilson said. "Even if they considered it a banner, it would have been in violation."
Banner space by candidates is prohibited, Wilson said.
According to Wilson, an elections board member saw the poster Monday. He said the slate would have been informed sooner, but because they meet on Thursdays, they gave as much notice as possible.
Metcalf said current SGA president Tommy Rector and former SGA president Cory Calvin advertised in the same way.
According to Metcalf and events coordinator Amanda Govaert, the elections code has been under scrutiny for some time. They said current SGA members have been reviewing the code before elections started.
"There are many ambiguous parts that need to be clarified," Metcalf said.