Axel jump - The skater takes off from the forward outside edge of one foot and lands on back outside edge of the opposite foot. A single axel consists of one-and-a-half revolutions, a double axel is two-and-a-half revolutions and a triple axel is three-and-a-half revolutions.

Camel Spin - This spin is done on one leg, with the free leg extended in the air in a position parallel to the ice.

Combination Spin - The skater changes feet and positions while maintaining speed throughout the entire spin.

Edge Jump - The skater takes off from entry, edge-skating foot, without bringing free foot in contact with the ice to assist takeoff. The axel, loop and Salchow are common edge jumps.

Death Spiral - This pair stunt is executed when the male skater spins in the pivot position while holding the hand of his partner, who is spinning in a horizontal position, with her body low and parallel to the ice.

Layback Spin - This spin is performed most often by women. It is executed in the right spin position, in which the head, shoulders and back are arched backward.

Required Elements Mark - This is the first mark given by the judges in Singles and Pairs short program. Skaters are judged on how well each element is performed. Deductions are given based on errors the skaters make as they execute required jumps and spins.

Short Program - The official name for two-minute, 40-second program in Singles and Pairs, the short program consists of eight required elements and is set to the music of each skater's choice.

Spiral Sequence - Sequence of steps that incorporates various spirals in patterns across the ice.

Toe Loop - This is a toe pick- assisted jump in which the skater takes off and lands on same backside edge.


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