Marriage proposal tops off performance

Grade: C+

Before current members of Absolunancy had an opportunity to take the stage Saturday, Eric Nicholson, alumnus of the comedy troupe's "early years," proposed to his long-time girlfriend Rachel Chalmers.

The show began with several songs performed by past members of Absolunancy, and during a love song, Nicholson popped the big question.

"We had been talking about it for a while, but I wasn't expecting this," Chalmers said.

This was clearly evident by the look on her face when current member Ben "Mouse" McShane, came running from backstage bearing the engagement ring. Chalmers was so startled by the proposal, it caught her speechless and Nicholson had to repeat the question.

"I'm just glad she said yes," Nicholson said.

The couple had been dating off and on for the past eight years. Nicholson had been preparing for this proposal since late last year.

"It seems like more of a completion, since our first date was with Absolunancy," he said.

Nicholson performed with the troupe from 1992 to 1994.

After the surprise engagement, the full cast of Absolunancy took the stage to begin the performance. They began with Party Quirks, in which some audience members gave crude suggestions. After much deliberation, members were able to carry out the sketch.

During that sketch, co-president Chad Winkles was given the quirk of a beached whale, and commenced to walking around stage wide-eyed with the appearance of being bloated. The awkward accent he used when he spoke also added to the rather humorous effect.

At this month's show, Absolunacy performed a few newer games and sketches. Some of the better ones were Three Monologues, Audience Rules and Split Scene.

Another new game, called Porno, was derived from Musical by second-year member Aaron Marsh. It was rather disgusting and hard to watch. While many of the remarks and gestures are not foreign to Ball State, they did not need to practiced at Pruis Hall in front of the shockingly large older audience. While the direction of many games are driven by the audience, this performance rests solely on the Absolunancy members.

Several other games that were played Saturday revealed the immaturity of those who showed up to watch. On the positive side, however, a few of the games showed the true talent of the group by taking figures such as the Marshmallow Puffman and the winter Olympics and creating a very humorous story.
