It's All Greek To Me: Greek system suffers from tremendous apathy

I wrote last week to the dismay and uprising of the masses, that Ball State's greek is suffering from dead weight. Allow me to rephrase: what I meant was that the Ball State system is suffering from a tremendous amount of apathy.

I alluded last week that the reason greek numbers are suffering is because of our image. Non-greek students trash fraternity and sorority members to prospective recruits as soon as they get on campus, whether it be an independent roommate who doesn't want to "buy their friends," or the Orientation leader who says, "Frats just beat the hell out of you." Those are two exact quotes I have heard regarding greek issues.

Don't get mad at those who say it. Their blatant ignorance and stupidity is penance enough for them. I have chosen to direct my ire at a different group, and that is the greek system itself.

The only way to counter the negativity that comes from those not privileged enough to experience it is to actively work yourself to form the right opinion. It is called year-round recruitment, and it is the only way our greek system will survive.

In the last four years there has been roughly a 3 percent drop in fraternity numbers. Contrarily, there has been a steady increase in new student admissions. For example, as of this moment, Ball State has admitted 1,200 more students than at the same time last year.

So the simple question is, how do we get those admits to 'go greek?'

I think a better question is, what are greeks doing to insure those students join a greek letter organization?

I swear, if someone says having parties the first week of school, I will reach through this newspaper and beat you about the head and shoulders. What are your members doing to make sure incoming freshmen know from the time they get here they want to be in a fraternity? It is very simple - get involved.

In case you haven't noticed, and judging by the blatant "I don't care attitude," you haven't, there are more than 330 student organizations and activities for you to become a part of, wear your letters to, and recruit from.

It's simple numbers, people. If more greeks get seen and make their presence known, then more people will want to be greek.

I'm not asking for a huge commitment. All I am asking is that each fraternity president stresses involvement. Give out a Pride Guide (organizational/activity brochure) at chapter. Tell your members about the various student activities. Educate yourself, make a commitment and then suggest your chapter follow your lead.

We constantly wonder why the administration is breathing down our necks or browbeating us with regulations and rules we neither support nor understand. Well, the answer is that we have lost our footing within the university structure when we handed our involvement over to the anti-greeks and the independents.

Be an orientation leader, facilitate a Cardinal Leadership and Service Seminar, join a professional fraternity. It is time to sacrifice some of your time for the greek system. We can regain the university's confidence; it will just take a little time, hard work and dedicated people.

Write to Alan at
