Ball State University has fixed an oversight that potentially put students at risk. Campus crime statistics must be available to students by universities that provide federal financial assistance. The Clery Act of 1990 mandated that this information be provided to students.
Until November, Ball State published the information in the student handbook. Many students, however, were unaware that the statistics could be found in the depths of the publication. Even with the printing of the statistics, however, Ball State was still in violation of the law. The university failed to make public its alcohol and drug violations, information required to be released in accordance with the Clery Act .
Now, however, a Web site,, has been posted where the public can access this information. Placing the crime statistics online makes the information more readily available to students or anyone concerned about safety at Ball State.
Not having made the information easily accessible, the university looked as though it had something to hide. Surely having many incidences of alcohol and drug violations each year is not an image Ball State wants to perpetuate, but the safety of its community should be a top priority. Finally, statistics are a matter of public record, and no one can complain about being in the dark any longer.