Dear students:
Not sure what you are doing for the Super Bowl? As head coach of the Ball State women's basketball team, I am writing to offer your dorm hall, student group, fraternity house or sorority an opportunity to have a Super Bowl Pizza Party on me!
We need your help! Our arch rivals, the Toledo Rockets, are coming into our house on February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. This is not only a big MAC West Division championship match-up, but we are "Searching for Six," trying to get six thousand people to the game to break the MAC attendance record! In turn, for helping us break the record, the fraternity, sorority, student group or floor with the largest number in attendance at the game gets 25 free pizzas from me on February 3rd for the Super Bowl. A great start to your party!
Sign up at the table at Gate 3 before the start of the game. Have the highest percentage of your group at the women's game and you win!
So bring your signs and be loud, as we take down the Rockets while breaking the record! Hope to see you at Worthen Arena!
Thanks for your help and Go Cards!
Tracy Roller
Women's Basketball Coach