COLUMN: Sweeping campus changes still needed

As president of SGA, my amazing team and I have only one short year to lobby for the student wage increase, remove Saturday finals, improve off-campus housing conditions, increase the multicultural content in the core curriculum, and form stronger student relations with the Muncie community - all of which take administrators and faculty years to accomplish. There is much more I would like to accomplish, but time has been our biggest enemy.

So I write the "President's Perspective" today not as SGA president, but as a student who has solutions and would make changes if president of the university.

If I were president, parking would not be an issue. All of the lots would be general lots and everyone in the university, including the president, would buy a general permit, which would entitle one to park anywhere on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking spaces would always be filled, making it fair

for everyone. Salt would replace the ice buffers. The shuttle bus would run on the weekends and make stops in the Village to discourage drunk driving. There would also be a shuttle that runs to downtown Muncie, which is only across the river.

If I were president, a master clock would be placed on the Bell Tower synchronizing all of the clocks on campus. The writing competency exam would not be necessary. If students can pass Ball State's English courses without being able to write a three-page paper, I would conduct a review of the English department and its program.

If I were president, the Ball State Bookstore would have enough employees to utilize all six of its cash registers. I could be wrong, but this wild idea should eliminate the 20-minute wait students brave while trying to buy our required overpriced textbooks. While we are on the bookstore, I would have the textbook manager who does price checks in the back answer the phone so the cashiers can spend more time with customers. It seems most people who call a bookstore have a question about a book. Why not have the person who is best equipped and with the most flexibility answer those questions?

If I were president, the add/drop period would be available for an entire week so those with Thursday and Friday night classes have an opportunity to attend class before making the decision to drop without having to pay a penalty fee. If I were president, the accounting office would mark the date stated on the invoices they receive rather than the date they received them. This will clear up a lot of confusion and allow departments and student organizations to properly check their records.

If I were president, we would have more Black and Latino professors, and all professors would receive a pay raise so we keep the best and brightest in the classroom. That is how you strengthen Ball State's educational system and provide more value to our degree.

A student e-mailed me today with a great idea, and if I were president I would implement it. Instead of desperately stocking up junk food to use your entire allotted dining meal plan, there will be a donation fund that students can contribute to. Twenty cents here and there will soon add up.

I know you're thinking, "Man, these are great ideas. Why didn't SGA act on these?" Maybe if we had another year. I have to graduate sometime. You, however, can take advantage of your influential leadership and can make our campus better.

Our administration got the ball rolling; it is up to you to help keep it in motion. SGA elections are around the corner and there are still open Senate seats. Pick up an election packet and an application and begin the crusade. It doesn't take a hero - it only takes a student.

Write to Tommy at
