COLUMN: SGA president announces New Year's resolutions

We make them and then fail. Most of the time they are so vague we don't even know where to start. Many people get the New Year's resolution urge, but then do it wrong. I have the solutions, commentary and the resolutions they should be making.

I have talked with friends to find out what they plan to resolve in 2002 and have provided my always-on-target feedback.

I guess every change needs a starting place, so kudos to those who have mustered up the courage to admit a flaw and attempt a resolution. I first asked what each person's resolution was, but also if it was such a major flaw, why did they all wait until Jan. 1 to correct the problem? I knew from the blank looks that this was going to be interesting.

The resolutions included: "I want to lose weight," "I am going to become a nicer person," "I am going to do well in class," "I am going to go to class," "I am going to find a job," and my favorite, "I am going to stop dating multiple people at the same time" (we will get back to this one).

Many people will tell you that seeing your resolution through takes dedication, planning, and endurance - and they are all wrong. Naturally, I have found the ultimate resolution that will guarantee success for every resolution made since the Babylonians began the tradition hundreds of years ago as a way to ensure a good harvest.

Whether you want to keep your room clean or win friends and influence people, no one even makes this a part of their resolution portfolio, but if you can live it you will be able to accomplish any resolution.

America's favorite resolution is to lose weight. First, if you are an avid weight-room user, you know that the busiest times of the year are the first few weeks after semester break and the week before Spring Break, as if those are times where excess weight magically disappears and your six pack is resurrected.

If you make part of your resolution "to end laziness" and stick to it, you can hit the gym for more than the first two weeks of the semester and actually be look good in time for Spring Break.

If you find yourself sleeping through those 8, 9, or 10 o'clock classes or playing one too many video games - ask yourself, is what I am doing going to help me get where I want to be? If the answer is "no," you need to suck it up and do something. Stop being lazy. I will guarantee you will be better off.

Back to my favorite resolution, to "stop dating multiple people at the same time." This is just a bad resolution. Most people have a hard time finding one date, but you have more than one. I have one phrase for you: "Play on, player."

Obviously, not being lazy is my recommendation for those in the resolution spirit. I also recommend the following: compliment three people a day, listen more than you talk and go to class.

You should be honest, attend a Ball State sporting event, spend more time with your friends and family, smile every once in a while, join a student organization (if you want to join Student Senate we can use all of the help we can get to help lower student wages, plan fan-bus trips and address the slumlords), read a book and importantly have some fun in college.

Good luck this year!

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