COLUMN: Final week brings many questions

Hello everyone and welcome to the most wonderful (and stressful time of the year). That's right, I'm talking about the last full week of class. I know that many of you will be taking tests and cramming for finals. So, I thought what better way to end the semester than with a bunch of questions, after all, my questions are usually fun, reflective, and you won't be graded on them. I'm not going to explain them, just ask them. So, without further ado...

Why do white Americans cry "reverse racism" when minorities claim that some form of racism or discrimination is done against them?

What is my 'race?' Why do I get more stares than smiles on campus?

*Does Ball State truly have everything you need?

*Why is it that greeks who are "brothers" and "sisters" seem to be against each other?

*Are greeks truly the leaders on the campus?

*Will there be a KKK rally in Muncie?

*Does Parking Services follow their own rules?

*Why are the parking meters only set for 45 minutes and not 50 or 75?

*Why does Jill Wolfe want to be in the paper so much?

*Why is this week so stressful for so many?

*Why is getting alcohol a favorite past time for many underage people on the weekend?

*Does the Bible solve all of your problems?

*Why do so many American students fear the international students?

*Are the greek houses truly dry?

*Why does there seem to be a different view of black greeks and non-black greeks?

*Do interracial relationships really work?

*Why are so many people against interracial relationships?

*Do men truly become men when they enter college?

*Do women become wiser when they enter college?

*Is Ball State becoming more diverse?

*Does this country use racial profiling?

*Why is there so much construction done on the campus?

*Will there be any improvements on the parking lots next?

*Are all people racist?

*Why do I need ID to get ID?

*Are multicultural advisors needed for the general student population, instead of just the RAs?

*Will there be a new civil rights leader?

*Will all people in the United States truly equal rights?

*What does it mean to graduate "on time?"

*Will any of my other family members attend Ball State?

*Will my cousin, who goes to Fisk University in Tennessee, encounter more racism than I will in Indiana?

*Will I get to Hawaii to teach?

*Will I be able to live 100 years?

*Why are labs so long?

*Why is hip-hop bought by more whites than blacks?

*Who influences hip-hop more: whites or blacks?

*Why do people choose to turn their heads from racism?

*Are Indians and Native Americans the same people?

*Who are under-represented students on campus?

*Do people need to increase their awareness of stereotypes?

*Do Americans treat women any better than the Taliban treated women?

*Does the term "Happy Holidays" include Hanukkah and Kwanzaa?

*Could you live with a disability?

*Why do people judge others by skin color?

*Is there still racism in America?

*Will black Americans ever get a type of reparation?

*Does America really want to wage war on terrorism?

*Why is affirmative action sometimes referred to as "affirmative

black action?"

*What is culture?

*What is black slang?

There you have it, so many questions, so many answers. If you would like to answer any of these, please hit me up in an e-mail. I'm always ready to discuss any of these topics and any that people can think of. Well, have a good break and good luck on finals.

Write to Moses


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