New tailgating rules take emphasis off drinking, back on game

Dear editor,

For those of you who missed Ball State's win on Saturday because you were too upset you couldn't party throughout the game... you were the ones who missed out. It was a great game, and for once it was pretty neat to only have actual football fans tailgating. The crowd was just as nice as it was for homecoming.

It's obvious the new tailgating rules only bother one group of people: those who aren't interested in going to the game itself. The rest of us weren't affected. It was also neat to come back out to the field across from the stadium after the game and find it clean and uncluttered by trash everywhere.

Although I was skeptical at first, I've found that the new tailgating regulations are wonderful and will only benefit the football program. Once people realize we have a decent team and that there's more to life than a party.

Rhett Sifford
