LETTER: Shuttle bus schedules are inconvenient, longer hours are needed

Dear editor,

Every Ball State freshman is required to park their car at the stadium lot. Despite the obvious inconvenience of leaving your car so far from your dorm, the bigger problem is the Shuttle System.

The shuttle only runs until 6 p.m. on Friday nights. If you have a later class and can't get to your car on time, you will have to walk all the way to the stadium or find someone who is willing to take you there.

On Saturdays, the shuttle doesn't run at all. If you are one of the people who can't make it to the stadium on Friday night, you will still have to walk all the way to the stadium on Saturday. The shuttle doesn't begin running again until 5:45 p.m. on Sundays. Any student planning to return early has to wait until it is beginning to get dark to return their car to the stadium or again they must walk.

These odd weekend hours discourage students from using their cars on the weekend. The shuttle runs until midnight during the week. Does this mean that we are supposed to go out late every night of the week but remain on campus on the weekend? This seems backwards. Ball State is not our parent, and it should not matter where we go on the weekends.

Besides the inconvenient hours, there are other problems with the shuttle system. Many students plan to take the shuttle to save time getting across campus to their next class. If you are lucky, a shuttle will be waiting. Many times, however, students have to wait up to 20 minutes until a shuttle shows up, making them later than they would have been if they had just walked.

There needs to be more shuttles and more drivers. Students need a dependable ride across campus or out to the stadium. I am sure that Ball State has enough money to buy more shuttles and pay more for drivers. What else do they need to raise tuition for? Of course, if we didn't vandalize our own football field just because we've finally won, maybe there would be enough money anyway.

Katrina Evens


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