Four vehicles involved in chase

Muncie resident arrested and charged after leading police on chase in truck.

A Muncie resident was arrested Sunday morning after a multi-street, high-speed chase involving a red Ford F-150, a silver Honda Civic and two police squad cars.

Ryan E. Sloan, 23, of 2209 W. Woodmont Drive, who is listed on Ball State's Web site as a student, was arrested and charged with resisting law enforcement with a motor vehicle and reckless driving after evading police for several minutes in his Ford F-150 truck.

According to police reports, Muncie police officer George Hopper observed Sloan chasing a Honda Civic down Riverside Avenue at around 3:36 a.m.

Hopper and University Police Officer Darrin Terrell followed the two cars on Riverside Avenue and activated their police sirens after they observed that Sloan failed to stop at any stop signs and was driving recklessly.

Officers chased Sloan, who in turn chased the silver Honda Civic, through nine different Muncie streets before the caravan came to a halt on Gilbert Street.

Sloan told police that he chased the Civic because he saw the vehicle's passengers light his mailbox on fire.

Passengers riding in the Honda, all of whom were minors, told police they were taking mail from mailboxes and throwing it on the ground before Sloan gave chase, but did not light anything on fire.

Police released the passengers and told them to go home.

According to reports, Sloan's mailbox was not damaged, although police did notice his mail was lying on the ground.

Sloan, who was released from Delaware County jail Sunday morning, was unavailable for comment.
