EDITORIAL: Flu shots could save classroom hassles

As the fall semester draws closer to an end, absences for students build up to the point where grades can be affected. The possibility of becoming sick is increased with the changing weather conditions.

This is the time of year in which influenza thrives. The illness can pass in one day or keep people in bed for weeks. According to the Indiana State Department of Health, influenza is marked by the following symptoms: fever, muscle aches, headache, lack of energy, dry cough, sore throat and possibly a runny nose.

Getting a flu shot before this nasty sickness invades is the best way form of prevention.

Ball State's health center offers flu shots to students, faculty and staff for $15. The flu vaccination is given through a shot in the arm and sometimes the vaccine can give you flu-like symptoms, but they quickly pass.

Do yourself and your fellow Cardinals a favor, get a flu shot.


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