Absolunacy fill Pruis Hall with laughter

Absolunacy Review - B

"Are you ready to laugh? I said, are you ready to laugh? Then get ready for Absolunacy!" Enter Absolunacy members bearing the flags and the speaker phone they used at the scramble light on Friday.

Absolunacy presented a standard Absolunacy show Friday night at Pruis Hall. The night was filled with laughter obtainable only through Absolunacy.

The number of people lining up to see Absolunacy was literally out the door. The performance started at 7:30, yet at 7:20, the line to get in was already out the door. Most of the hall was filled with people, old and young, willing to spend $2 to view the hilarious troupe.

The act started with a talk show game featuring the topic of prostitutes. This game coaxed many willing laughs from the eager audience. This was one of the more amusing games of the show, although each skit, sketch and game received an ample amount of snickers.

This game was followed by a comedy sketch, a song, then a new game called "Pillars." This game required two volunteers from the audience, both performed superbly for on the spot comedy. The two volunteers, or pillars, sat on stage while the Abso members acted out a skit. Then the pillars added their own words whenever needed. First year member, John Langen, had to pause in the middle of the skit to laugh.

The following game also required a volunteer. After audience members heard that the game was called worst nightmare, however, the eager volunteers quickly decreased in numbers.

One brave young woman did bounce eagerly to the stage and unfolded the events of her day, as well as her worst fear. The Abso members then acted out her day, incorporating her worst fear into everything she did, thus making it her worst nightmare.

One of the best sketches of the evening was a new game called "Magical." Four of the members were given a particular phrase from the audience, and the members began slurring the phrases together until the laughter from the audience drowned out the members on stage.

Abso members were on fire that night as the next three games were just as witty and sarcastic as the previous. The troupe ended the night with their signature game, "Freeze and Replace," which brought out the most laughter from the audience.

Troupe members carried on the same tradition of bringing comedy to Ball State by adding a few new games and more songs. With each show that Absolunacy performs, their comedy style gets better, and the audience get bigger.
