Student injured during celebration

Victim remains in intensive care unit at Ball Memorial Hospital.

This story originally appeared in the Monday, Oct. 22 issue of the Ball State Daily News.

A Ball State student was seriously injured this weekend while attempting to tear down a stadium goal post. As of Sunday night, he was still in the intensive care unit at Ball Memorial Hospital.

Stephen Jeffers, a student who witnessed the accident, said the victim was standing in the crowd, when the goal post fell on his leg.

Heather Shupp, director of University Relations, said the student was taken to Ball Memorial Hospital Saturday afternoon.

Randy Hyman, Dean of Students, spent time with the victim's family Sunday at the hospital. He said the family and the university is shocked and concerned.

The future of post-game traditions remains up in the air at this point, said university officials.

Joe Hernandez, assitant athletics director, said that it is hard to regulate and control what the students do with the goal posts.

"It's not a question of ending the goal post tradition," Andrea Seger, athletics director said. "It's a matter of making the posts more difficult to bring down."

Hyman said he is uncertain what will happen with the goal posts but that there will be further conversation about the issue.

"You can't stop people from doing this but maybe people will see stuff like this and calm down." Jeffers said. "I know I won't be out here again."


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