I-69 extension would help Ball State

The long commute from Muncie to southern Indiana could be shortened in the coming years, courtesy of the Indiana Department of Transportation.

IDOT is currently conducting an environmental study and examining the possibility of extending I-69 from Indianapolis to Evansville.

The study is the latest phase in an initiative that dates back over a decade, said project manager Michael Grovak.

The I-69 proposal has many obstacles, including tricky questions of eminent domain and proper use of tax dollars. But if the project does eventually become reality, Ball State will reap some of the greatest benefits.

I-69 runs right by Muncie and is one of the main thoroughfares for students going home on weekends and vacations. Students who live in the southern section of the state -- particularly Evansville -- will have a far smoother and shorter ride home on the newly expanded I-69. The project will open Ball State up, granting far easier access to a huge section of the state.

Currrently, to get from Muncie to Evansville a student must take I-69 to Indianapolis. Once there, the student must take I-465 to I-70. On I-70, our proverbial student may notice, they will be heading due east. So far east, in fact, that the student ends up in Terre Haute, further east than Evansville. From Terre Haute, our students takes U.S. 41 southwest, back to Evansville.

With the new expansion, our student can throw away the map, turn up the radio, and enjoy a smooth ride home.

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