Homecoming brings increase in alcohol sales

Liquor store owners expect alumni to increase their sales.

Note: This story originally appeared in the Saturday, Oct. 20 issue of the Ball State Daily News.

Homecoming brings an abundance of Alumni to Muncie and, according to local store managers, increased sales at Muncie liquor stores and bars . Students, like store owners, are contributing the rise in price to the rush of alumni.

Mike Kilgore, owner of Friendly Package Liquors, said he is expecting to see an increased amount of alumni this weekend, and he said he is happy to see them.

Store managers feel the alumni invasion to stores and bars is attributed to reminiscent feelings they want to carry out.

"We get alumni that like to come back to the liquor store they shopped at when they went to school here," Chris Johnson, manager at Muncie Liquors, said.

Johnson said next to New Year's Eve, Homecoming weekend may be his busiest and most profitable week and weekend. Kilgore said they are normally busy for any special event.

Bars are also expecting a large turnout this weekend. The Locker Room, located in the Village, is preparing for a large crowd. Laura Selvey, manager for the Locker Room, said are double staffing and have gotten everything stocked.

Selvey said she hopes to see a large amount of alumni this weekend. She also said they expect to see a wide age bracket ranging from 21 to 40.

Even with increased number of alumni stopping by liquor stores, students say they will not increase their buying patterns for "tailgate punch."

Senior Ryan Vaughn tailgates at home games and said he will not buy more alcohol than what he normally buys.

"It's not just about the alcohol," Vaughn said.

Phillip Brewer, a junior at Ball State, said he plans on buying the same amount of alcohol and is not making an exception for Homecoming. Brewer said he normally spends around $25 on alcohol for the weekend and prefers to drink beer.

Local stores said they are going to be strict on selling to minors. Kilgore participates in Cop Shops throughout the year to prevent minors from trying to buy alcohol. Cop Shops is a police program where citizens can voice their concerns about the community. Kilgore said they simply will not tolerate underage drinkers.

"We will card anyone that looks under 25 to 30," Kilgore said.++2+â-¬-¦-+-¦S+â-¦+â-¢$@4+â ,G+â+â-Ñ™+â-æ'VQy+â-ñ-++â-ºDe!+â-¡-+?6y

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