Halloween Party offers safe venue for children

The evening will offer a number of fun events for the children to partake in, including games, crafts, and magician Wayne Hinkel.

University Program Board will allow children an opportunity to enjoy a safe Halloween costume party Tuesday night.

"We're doing this so the children don't have to go on the streets at night and face dangers such as strangers, tainted candy and cars," said UPB Director of Communications, Jason Karnes.

The evening will offer fun events for the children to partake in, including games, crafts, and magician Wayne Hinkel.

Among the activities are basketball, pumpkin decorating, musical chairs, a coloring contest, a haunted house, bobbing for pumpkins and a costume contest. The children can have their pictures taken in their costumes with a Halloween background for $1. Winners of the contests will be rewarded with a bag of candy and treats.

"Regardless of who shows up, everybody has a good time," Karnes said.

This event is sponsored by UPB with the help of some faculty members and friends. This is focused towards children ages12 and under.

The Halloween party is a yearly event that has experienced much success in the past, Karnes said.

"In the past we've had about 125 people show up, including lots of kids," he said.

University Program Board said they hope to continue their tradition of success from the past and carry it forward to this year's party as well as Halloween parties in the future.

The Halloween party begins at 6:30 p.m. and continues to 8:00 p.m. The party will take place in the Student Center in the Ballroom. The party is for the children of Ball State staff, faculty and students. Admission is free.


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