Dear editor:
Why do college students have poor eating habits? Is it because they lack nutritional knowledge? Or is it because their busy social lives leave little time to eat? At Ball State, students may argue that their poor eating habits are attributed to the inconvenient hours of the dining halls and their locations. For instance, the recently remodeled Woodworth dining hall, close to many residence halls and home to many students, is closed on the weekends.
Many times in the past two months I have had to literally run to get to a dining hall before it closes. Usually when I go to eat all dining halls are closed except one, so not only do I have no choice but to go to that hall or go hungry, but there are lines out the door. The university is doing Ball State students a big disservice by not having all dining halls open at most hours of the day.
Good nutrition is important to stay healthy. If the university wants their students to have the best possible learning environment, then it should cater to the students needs. After all, it's the student's money that helps to keep this school open. I pay the school; it should cater more to my needs. It looks bad to prospective students that come and tour Ball State when they see and hear the inconvenience of the residence hall situation. The Atrium may look nice, but will it be so appealing when it's twenty degrees outside and you live in Studebaker East?
Kelly Meyer