Photo Illustration: Olivia Ground

The Faces Behind Gray Divorce: Divorce rates among long-term marriages are increasing

A study by the Department of Sociology at Bowling Green State University reports that 36% of United States adults getting divorced in 2019 are 50 or older. In 1990, only 8.7% of divorces in the U.S. occurred among adults aged 50 or older. Researchers theorize that this massive increase is due to changing views across generations, the financial stability of women, and incompatibility. 

Illustration by Meghan Holt

Toys We Miss

The 2000s were a time of rapid tech innovation.Instead of classic flip phones, our cell phones became sleek, small touch-screen computers. Bluetooth earpieces dominated the business world. USB flash drives made data storage easier than ever. Digital pets could keep you company from the comfort of your pocket. Toys became more intelligent.

Illustration by Alex Bracken

Bedside Burnout

Growing up, Kadee Klafka, registered nurse, always wanted to help others. She always imagined herself in healthcare and always had a curiosity for medicine.

Illustration by Meghan Holt

How to Catch a Catfish

Looking back, Bridget Cardno said she suspected it.  Online dating was easier for her due to her shyness, and she said the person she was talking to was “sweet.” Going to the lake and hanging out, she wanted a long-term relationship, and she said she thought the person she was interacting with was a good guy.