Greenhouse hosts succulent program

Succulents in the Richard Orchid Greenhouse Sept. 5, 2018. Mel Niksich, DN
Succulents in the Richard Orchid Greenhouse Sept. 5, 2018. Mel Niksich, DN

Bright, green succulents are a plant that can be seen in the windows of college dorm rooms, soaking in the sun. A plant that you can learn more about at the Orchid Greenhouse on campus.

Cheryl LeBlanc, Rinard Orchid Greenhouse curator, will offer the greenhouse’s first succulents program on Saturday.

The plant’s aesthetic appeal and easy-care make it a good choice for students who want dorm plants.

The program, Succulents: What’s Not to Love?, will teach students how to care for succulents and propagate them.

When LeBlanc sent out the email inviting students to come on Sept. 8, more than 100 students responded. LeBlanc had room for only 30 students.

“Everybody loves them,” LeBlanc said. “In horticulture they’re popular, in grocery stores they’re popular.”

Succulents have become a trend in the last several years, LeBlanc said. People, especially college students, like them because they are easy to care for, requiring only a little water and sunlight. 

“College students are pretty busy and taking care of plants maybe are not top of the priority,” LeBlanc said. “You can intentionally forget them and the plant won’t die, not as easily.”

While LeBlanc had to turn students away from the event, she said she doesn’t plan to repeat the program this year. However, LeBlanc said she might do the program again next year.  

The greenhouse already has a program list for this year, with the next program being Community Artists Invitation Day. 

Contact Liz Rieth with comments at or on Twitter @liz_rieth.

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