The Weekly, Ep. 9: Rare books and why we love them

Editor's Note: 'The Weekly' podcast is a rundown of the news stories produced by the Daily News since Monday.

Right now at the E. B. and Bertha C. Ball center, rare books are on display — and these aren’t just some old books under glass.

Works from writers like Alexander Hamilton, Aristotle and John Locke are available to hold and read as they were intended to be.

The podcast met with Ball State English professor Rai Peterson in her office to talk about why these rare books are so important to us in a culture that’s looking toward digital.

Then, two reporters from Byte talk about the World Health Organization’s announcement to classify a gaming disorder. They look at how the disorder affects people’s lives and what the gaming community thinks of the new classification.

Read the full stories:

Centuries-old texts from notable authors being used for economics class
Excessive video gaming will soon be considered a disorder
From Byte: Gaming Disorder: what it means

Contact Sara Barker with comments at or on Twitter at @sarabarker326. Contact Bobby Yeager with any comments

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