SGA Summit: platform point update

Emily Halley, treasurer; Brock Frazer, secretary; Ana Batres; vice president; and James Wells, president, all sit in the front of the senators at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center.  on April 20 for their inauguration to be the next executive board for the 2016-2017 semester. DN PHOTO STEPHANIE AMADOR
Emily Halley, treasurer; Brock Frazer, secretary; Ana Batres; vice president; and James Wells, president, all sit in the front of the senators at the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. on April 20 for their inauguration to be the next executive board for the 2016-2017 semester. DN PHOTO STEPHANIE AMADOR

The Summit executive slate is halfway through their tenure as Student Government Association leaders. 

So far they've accomplished eight platform points, 17 are in progress or partially completed and one is on hold.

“I think we've surprisingly done an amazing job at how quickly we've been able to get our platform points,” said SGA president James Wells. "Our platform points have really resonated with the student body."

Last year, the executive board had completed 16 of their platform points at this time. 

Here are the executive board's platform points:

Strengthen student relationship with freshman advisers: In progress.

Strengthen the connection of minority students with peer and faculty mentors: In progress.

SGA is meeting with the Multicultural Center to figure out how to make this a possibility. Currently the Multicultural Center has a peer-to-peer program.

Create a Diversity Commission: Completed.

Put more waste disposals throughout campus and provide a clearer and simpler way for students to better impact the environment: Partially completed.

SGA held a sustainability campaign in October. Wells will be working more with Mayor Dennis Tyler to think about ways students can help the environment and promote recycling off campus.  

Strengthen Cardinal pride with sports by working to increase athlete and student relations: Partially completed.

SGA already created a homecoming tradition: the Cardinal Culprit initiative. They will shift their attention to indoor sports now.

Increase safety of students on and off campus and brighten up dark spots around campus: In progress.

Wells will be discussing this point with Tyler as well. Nothing concrete has been done yet. 

Unify small organizations with the Office of Student Life and SGA: In progress.

Treasurer Emily Halley is leading this effort. She reached out to small organizations, who have applied for funds set aside for small organizations. Applications are closed; SGA just has to give out the money still. 

Film student senate meetings so all students can see what SGA is working on: Completed.

Show appreciation to Muncie community: In progress.

Wells is discussing how to best do this with Tyler. 

Make student appreciation day/week and maximize relationship between students and the university: In progress.

Raise awareness for increasing need for counseling services: Completed.

Halley hosted an Erasing Mental Illness Stigma event in November. 

Increase awareness of healthy dining options: Completed before slate took over.

Use the L.A. Pittenger Student Center as a 24-hour study lounge twice a semester, more if possible: On hold.

During the spring semester, the executive board will try to find a place to hold a 24-hour study lounge in the spring. 

Provide a "host family" for all international students: In progress.

The executive board is adapting this platform point, to see what other resources SGA can provide to international organizations. They'll be sitting down and listening to the concerns of smaller international organizations. 

"We need to take a step back on this platform point and revamp it, so we are best serving our international students." Wells said. 

Move toward the creation of a dead week: in progress.

SGA's Academic Affairs committee is working on the legislation for a dead week. The goal isn't to implement a dead week — it's to simply get the conversation started, and get SGA legislation passed. 

Start conversations on oppression with monthly summits: In progress.

SGA is working on meeting with other universities regarding sexual assault and hate crimes. 

Implement cultural and diversity training: In progress.

Vice President Ana Batres is working on to develop an additional program, expanding to focus on topics such as race, ethnicity and religion. 

Continue on platform points implemented by the previous slate

  • Pothole of the Month: In progress
  • Sexual assault education and awareness: Completed
  • Diversity Day: In progress
  • Lunch on Board: In progress
  • News from the Nest: Completed
  • Cardinal Kitchen: Completed
  • Tailgate Central: Completed
  • Cardinal Project: In progress
  • Leadership Fund: In progress


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