Muncie police chief resigns

<p>Muncie Police Department chief Steve Stewart resigned the morning of Oct. 31. Stewart has&nbsp;been chief of police since mayor Dennis Tyler took office in January 2012.<em> Muncie Police Department // Photo Courtesy&nbsp;</em></p>

Muncie Police Department chief Steve Stewart resigned the morning of Oct. 31. Stewart has been chief of police since mayor Dennis Tyler took office in January 2012. Muncie Police Department // Photo Courtesy 

Steve Stewart, police chief for the Muncie Police Department, resigned from his position on Oct. 31.

Stewart and Muncie's mayor – Dennis Tyler – have been at odds recently over disagreements about an investigation Tyler wanted MPD to conduct, according to The Star Press. Stewart resigned as chairman of the Democratic Party in early September after the initial disagreement between him and Tyler.

On Nov. 1, Tyler released a statement regarding Stewart's resignation as the police chief. Tyler said Stewart submitted a letter of resignation "effective immediately to [his] office" on Monday morning. The mayor added that he has accepted Stewart's letter of resignation and is beginning the process of selecting a replacement "as quickly as possible."

"Muncie is blessed with a great group of men and women who represent our police department professionally every day," Tyler said. "They do a great job serving and protecting our great city 24 hours a day 365 days a year. That will not change as we go through the transition process to appoint a new chief of police."

Stewart has been chief of police since Tyler took office in January 2012.

The Daily News has not been able to reach Stewart regarding his resignation.
