'Bad Feminist' best-selling author Roxane Gay speaks for Women's Week

<p>Roxane Gay will speak at&nbsp;Pruis Hall at 6:30 p.m. on March 23. PHOTO COURTESY OF FLICKR.COM</p>

Roxane Gay will speak at Pruis Hall at 6:30 p.m. on March 23. PHOTO COURTESY OF FLICKR.COM

This week is Women’s Week, which features activities that explore identity issues. 

One of the events is “An Evening with Roxane Gay,” where the New York Times Best Selling author of “Bad Feminist” will give a talk about her experiences at 6:30 p.m. March 23 in Pruis Hall.

“Bad Feminist” is a collection of essays that cover topics from Scrabble tournaments to “The Hunger Games.” Throughout the book, she encourages people to accept who they are rather than striving to be a “perfect” feminist.

In addition to writing the book, Gay is a blogger, editor and professor of English at Purdue.

Read an opinion by Gay about the Oscar's race problem from The New York Times.

The event is sponsored by the women’s and gender studies program, Excellence in Leadership, the Department of Sociology, the Department of Communication Studies, Housing and Residence Life, the Department of English and the Multicultural Center. 

Ashleigh Bingham, the doctoral assistant of the women’s and gender studies program, said the program wanted to have a woman of color for Women’s Week since feminism is often represented by white women. 

She thinks Gay’s message will resonate with people because “humans can relate to problems” rather than ideals. 

Lisa Pellerin, the director of women’s and gender studies, said the event is free and there will be a question and answer session. However, Gay will not be reading from “Bad Feminist.”

What: An Evening with Roxanne Gay

When: March 23 at 6:30 p.m.

Where: Pruis Hall

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