Sad monday person joins campus league as supervillian

Sad Monday Person roams the campus Feb. 17. Sad Monday Person tries to make Mondays seem better because he loves them. DN FILE PHOTO TAYLOR IRBY
Sad Monday Person roams the campus Feb. 17. Sad Monday Person tries to make Mondays seem better because he loves them. DN FILE PHOTO TAYLOR IRBY

With every superhero comes a supervillain. Batman has the Joker. Superman has Lex Luthor. Spider-Man has the Green Goblin. So, who goes with Happy Friday Guy?

Sad Monday Person.

Sad Monday Person has been roaming the sidewalks of Ball State’s campus as Happy Friday Guy’s nemisis since the Fall 2013 semester. Students can see him running around Mondays dressed in a green morph suit, a black cape, a helmet and a shirt with the emblem “SMP” across the chest.

Despite Sad Monday Person’s name, his purpose is to bring happiness to Ball State students on the most depressing day of the week.

There have been two other Monday celebrities in Ball State’s history. One was Monday Menace Man. Unlike Sad Monday Person, he went around campus and tried to spread the sadness of Monday. His reign only lasted a short period and he had to hang up the cape when a few students threw punches his way.

Sad Monday Person came to be when he decided to end all of this sadness.

“I want people to be happy on Monday, but no one wants to be happy with me,” he said.

He said that is why he chose the name Sad Monday Person ­— he is sad because no one will be happy with him.

Sad Monday Person has loved Mondays since his youth. He said his favorite part is the feeling at the end of the day, knowing there is so much more to learn in the week. Being relatively new to campus, the sophomore said he is still trying to build his reputation with Ball State students.

He said while Friday gets all the good attention, Monday is stuck with a bad reputation. But, the two have found a way to stay cordial.

If students want to contact Sad Monday Person, he can be found on Facebook. There, he posts encouraging words to bring happiness on Mondays. He even posts where he can be seen next.

He hasn’t decided if he plans to reveal himself. But, if he does, it is far in the future.

STORY: See the other side of the battle for weekday dominance in Happy Friday Guy
