Exhibition chance for students to shine

Competition will feature many works, including paintings and drawings

As a freshman, Erin Ingram entered the Ball State Student Art Show, and won a prize. Now as a senior she has another piece in showing in her last Student Art Show at Ball State.

"It's my senior year. I'm going to graduate and never going to have this chance again," Ingram said. A graphic design major, Ingram has been shown in many exhibitions during college, but does not know what the future holds for her.

Her video, "The Girl," was one of 90 works selected from over 400 entries that will be on exhibition at the Ball State Art Museum from this Friday to May 1. This is the 70th Annual Student Show held by Ball State, and features artwork from art students in all concentrations and grade levels.

The entries were judged by Endi Poskovic, a former faculty member at Ball State who currently is Professor of Printmaking at Colombia College in Chicago.

Poskovic spent over 10 hours deciding what to include in the exhibition and did not even stop for lunch. Instead, he said he ate a couple pieces of pizza as he was judging. The process took so long because "I tried to understand what made them work, tried to see what made each piece come together, and I tried to choose the works that spoke to me in ways that I was challenged," Poskivic said.

The art show is arranged, and the juror is selected by a committee of art faculty. Professor of Art Fred Bower has been on the committee for the past four years and said the jurors are "very consciences that Ball State's art department looks good in their show. Every juror has their bend, their take, on how that would be best represented."

To explain why he chose the pieces he did, Poskovic created a Juror's Statement: "This is not my show but your show -- the show that represents as many diverse points of making and thinking about art as there are faculty and students in the Art Department."

The 90 pieces that are in the exhibition include painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, photography and even video or electronic arts. Anything that was created after January 2004 was eligible for the competition.

Students could turn in up to three works, and Ingram said students tried to better their chances of being picked by turning in pieces that were very different from one another. "I try turning in things that are very contrasting. Some out of the world imagery, and some straightforward imagery where everyone can see what it is. The video that got accepted was the out-of-the-world one. It was very abstract and crazy."

The museum and the art department are working together to display the artwork. All the special exhibitions rooms will be used and Curator and Director Peter Blume of the museum said the exhibition will be as professional as all the other ones done by the museum.

After seeing all the works that are included, Blume also said he thinks the exhibition will be very successful, and he added, "I think that they are full of energy of their own generation, which is something that you always looks for. What's going to happen next, time doesn't stand still, and art often tends to lead popular opinion. Popular tastes and culture, this is where it should be generating."

The show opens Friday with a reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the museum. There will be a costume contest and refreshments and awards will be given out.
